Saturday 12 April 2014


Secret letter-writing at 
Casa di Giulietta, Verona

In Verona, Shakespeare's literary figures of Romeo & Juliet are never far away. Juliet's balcony is fun to stroll by, but avoid the artificial museum (the Montagues and Capulets were real, but certainly didn't live there!) In the outer courtyard, it is touching to read all the declarations of love scribbled on the surrounding walls and even imprinted in surprisingly beautiful and colourful pieces of chewing gum pushed into the cracks. 

I wanted to delve deeper and thankfully Sara had a secret... The Italian government fund a scheme whereby anyone from around the world can write a letter to Juliet asking for advice with their love life and they are guaranteed a response from an international team of 'Juliets'. 

When she isn’t studying Italian Philosophy (I sat in on a brilliant class) Sara is a volunteer ‘Juliet’ and so together we spent the afternoon opening letters and reading heartfelt notes pleading for love, which we carefully replied to in our role of Juliet. The ladies give you chocolate and coffee and advise you to incorporate the themes of faith, hope and love into each reply. 

The bookcase in the corner had letters from Poland, Russia, India, America, Brazil...all over the world! There were letters from 12 year olds from Alabama wanting advice with their ‘crushes’ and also more profound letters from people of all ages looking for true love and hope. It is such a simple thing,  but the scheme provides so much hope for lonely souls out there.

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